Effective communication skills. By lordkrishna

Effective compmunication skill
Teaching by lord Krishna

In today's world communication skill are very important but in schools and colleges
Nobody teaches us ,but don't worry let us learn from lord Krishna

    In Mahabharata lord Krishna wait for
     Shishupals 100 mistake than beheads
     Him by sudarshan chakra this doesn't
     Mean you have to kill but you should
     Have Patience and your action should
     Made him to know how you feel when
     When someone hurts you.

2) Listen to each and every words correctly
     The time when kurukshetra going to be
     Started arjun  and duryodhan ask
      Krishna Krishna says that  he don't fight
      In the war listening this duryodhan
      Ask 10000 narayan sena of Krishna
      In this situations we can see that not
      Listening fully what someone and
      Before that only you will say your
      Opinion this half listen makes someone
      Feel that they don't talk to you another
       Time in today's this situations you will
       See everyone wants to say their
        Opinion but not going to listen other
        Correctly mean half listening.

3) identify the person
     When Krishna friend kuchela comes to
      Ask for help from Krishna but kuchela
     Doesn't say anything about his situations
      Then he kuchela returns to his home
       And sees that his house filled of gold
       By seeing kuchela face Krishna know
        What's the problem. This thing his
        Very important in communication you
       Should identify the person by  intuition
      And his way of behaving

4) smile
    Balram,arjun,gopikas, devotees and even
    Kauravas wants Krishna on their side
    Krishna smiles attract everyone keep
    Smile every time even for your friends
    And your enemy because your enemy
   Can't besr your smile.

5) Be politely tactical when necessary
     Krishna goes to duryodhan want to
     Stop the war for arjun Telling them
     The loss of both sides if war going to
     Happen.Krishna asks only five village
     For panch pandavas but duryodhan
     Doesn't listen to Krishna  and he wants
     The war.this polite manipulation
     Techniques should be used for only good

6) Non verbal communication skill
    when jarasandha fights with bheema the
     Krishna by tear the dry grass apart and         throw That both the sides and by seeing
     This  Bheem tear jarasandha apart this
     From both sides. Eye communication,
     Hand shaking,gestures all are non
     Non verbal communication skills
     Let's repeat the six point of
      Communication skill
    Listen to each and every word correctly
    Be politely tactical when necessary
    Non verbal communication skill

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     It with your friends
     Thank you.


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